#37 Hannah feat. Ashia & the Bison Rouge

#37 Han­nah feat. Ashia & the Bison Rouge
19:00 - Tickets kaufen
Platz des euro­päi­schen Ver­sprechens
Bochum, Nor­drhein-West­falen, Deutsch­land 44787
Weit­ere Infos
Echo­ing the sounds of the Nordic coast and urban dance halls, cin­e­mat­ic son­ic bass producer/violinist Han­nah Thiem (per­forms as HANNAH) blends folk songs and impro­vised instrumental/vocal music with cut­ting edge elec­tron­ic sounds, count­ing Mas­sive Attack, Phaeleh, Trentemøller, and Óla­fur Arnalds as influ­ences in craft­ing her sound. The result­ing son­ic palate takes lis­ten­ers on “a kind of mys­ti­cal jour­ney” (Pop­Mat­ters), whose des­ti­na­tion is a cross­roads between clas­si­cal and con­tem­po­rary, organ­ic and man-made, famil­iar and mys­te­ri­ous.

HANNAH has shared the stage with numer­ous musi­cal giants (The Rolling Stones, Kanye West, Bass­nec­tar, MOBY, The Nation­al, EOTO) and appears on records by Irma Thomas (Sim­ply Grand), Beats Antique, Ran­dom Rab, Ancient Astro­nauts, among oth­ers. With the June 2014 release of her debut solo album, BRYM, her ever-evolv­ing sound (pre­vi­ous­ly with Copal and Nyxyss) is now being chan­neled into a elec­tron­ic ambi­ent indie pop direc­tion, forg­ing new avenues for vio­lin through her own unique artic­u­la­tion of evoca­tive and cin­e­mat­ic elec­tron­ic music com­bined with lap­top and voice.

Pre­dom­i­nant­ly inspired by the gor­geous­ly dark, earthy tex­tures of the Nordic land­scape and the pow­er­ful­ly rich melan­choly of its music, BRYM weaves a soul­ful and tri­umphant sto­ry of trans­for­ma­tion and rebirth con­veyed through live instru­men­ta­tion, elec­tron­ic pro­duc­tion and vocals that guide lis­ten­ers into new por­tals of won­der and allure. While the album’s instru­men­tal nature leaves it open to lim­it­less inter­pre­ta­tions by the lis­ten­er, the over­ar­ch­ing expe­ri­ence is some­thing “majes­tic and its lay­ers are deep…every lis­ten will unearth new secrets” (Noth­ing But Hope and Pas­sion).

Also deep in the yoga/music scene, HANNAH per­forms her orig­i­nal orches­tral and intu­itive scores at numer­ous yoga fes­ti­vals and stu­dios around the world, includ­ing US and Cana­di­an Wan­der­lust Fes­ti­vals, col­lab­o­rat­ing with laud­ed teach­ers Ele­na Brow­er, Seane Corn, Eoin Finn, Shi­va Rea, Schuyler Grant, Aarona Pichin­son, and many oth­ers.

HANNAH’s sound and per­for­mances meld and blur gen­res in relent­less­ly inven­tive ways, cre­at­ing a riv­et­ing son­ic expe­ri­ence that is unde­ni­able in its sin­cer­i­ty and refresh­ing in its orig­i­nal­i­ty.


Kabaresker Eigensinn, divaeske Frech­heit­en, slaw­is­che Sehn­suchtsmo­mente und ver­spiel­ter
Chan­son, das ist ein feinge­sponnenes Netz, das pol­nisch-amerikanis­che Sän­gerin und Cel­listin auf­s­pan­nt. In den USA gehört Ashia längst, wie Joan­na New­som, Regi­na Spec­tor oder
Aman­da Palmer zu der inzwis­chen viel beachteten Liga junger Kün­st­lerIn­nen, die auch durch
die Verbindung klas­sis­ch­er Ein­flüsse mit Pop von sich Reden machen. Auch deshalb, weil sie u.a. mit dem Cirque De Soleil auf­trat.

» tickets@urbanurtyp.de


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